Skabb - After being defeated by Spyro, lost his footing and fell off the plank into poisoned water.Executioner - Killed by Spyro with horn, wing, tail, or Elemental attacks.Arborick - Killed by Spyro with fireballs.Titadaib Whitearrow - Killed by Spyro with horn, wing, tail, or Elemental attacks.Electric King - Killed by Spyro with horn, wing, tail, or Elemental attacks.Conductor - Blown up along with his train, Steam, by Spyro attacking it with horn, wing, tail, or Elemental attacks.Ice King - Killed by Spyro with fireballs.Victims The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning 1.3 The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon.1.2 The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night.
1.1 The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning.